Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Homeschooling Journey

Homeschool Graces

I began homeschooling three of our children in June, took July off for surgery, and started back in August. In January our teenager came home from public school to join in. The most common comment I hear is "I don't know how you do it."

I don't know either!

It has been a fast-paced learning experience for me and the children. I believe it is the grace of God at work in our home--helping us to accomplish what we could not in our strength that makes homeschooling possible.

We've had our share of challenges such as when our curriculum took over a month to arrive and I had to come up with lessons. Most of what we have faced is probably normal for first year homeschoolers. Trying to find the perfect schedule and routine has been a source of constant re-evaluating.

Despite the challenges, it has been worth it all. I would like to share a few of the blessing we have experienced:

* The children are learning to pray and asking to lead prayer. It is exciting to watch their prayers evolve from 'bless all the super heroes today' to praying for the needs in our family and others. They have also began to lay hands on one another and pray for specific needs. Shyness to pray openly has long since passed and they are gaining confidence and boldness.

* They are sharing prayer requests and praise reports. It is important for children to experience the power of prayer and recognize God's hand in their own life. Recently my 9 year-old shared during our devotion time she had not felt well and prayed, asking God to heal her. She said her stomachache stopped and she felt much better. It is not just Mom and Dad's prayers being answered--it is their prayers.

* Deeper interest in school. Instead of just doing assignments, they are digging deeper and asking if we can find out more. Last year the word hate was used numerous times in regards to school--not the case now. Just today one child spent all their free time researching a great American because they wanted to learn more.

* A more peaceful home. We are no different from any other family. We have good days and not- so-good days. Since our homeschooling journey began we have consistently had more peace. Peace is something we strive and work at daily.

You may not be a homeschooling Mom. I am not one who says homeschooling is the only option Christian parents in their right mind should chose. We have had godly public and private school teachers whom the Lord has used mightily in the lives of our children. At this time homeschooling is the path the Lord has directed us to take. It is both a challenge and a joy. No matter the schooling situation, as Moms we all have challenges. Thank the Lord for His grace that does more than we can ever realize in all our unique situations.

"Now all praise to God for His wonderful kindness and His favor that He has poured out upon us, because we belong to His dearly loved Son. So overflowing is His kindness towards us that He took away all our sins through the blood of His Son, by whom we are saved; and He has showered down upon us the richness of His grace--for how well He understands us and knows what is best for us at all times." ~ Ephesians 1:6-8 (Living Bible)

1 comment:

Molly said...

Great post, Kellie! It's encouraging to see the fruit of what you are doing, and so quickly! I trust and pray that fruit will continue to abound as time goes on.

It is interesting that you are seeing more peace since your homeschool journey began...many people tell me they think being together all day would be too difficult, but we love it.

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